

Quality Statement

Quality Management System:

Chemical Raw Materials Ltd does not have a third party accreditation to satisfy the requirements of ISO 9000. We are accredited to Responsible Care by C B A. ( )

We are a small, very specialised distributor of chemicals and raw materials to the European market. All of the materials that we supply are manufactured by major companies.

Due to the nature of the products produced, ISO 9000 is not the most relevant Quality standard for their facilities. Our manufactures do have licenses controlled by the US FDA, and accredited quality systems to c GMP standards, in addition many of our quality and product testing systems are to BP/EP and ASTM standards. Approval for our products and systems have been given by clients including, BASF GmbH, Pfizer Ltd,  GE Plc, Thermo Fisher.

For the production of our materials our manufacturers do :-

  1. maintain third party audited and accredited quality systems
  2. maintain and control manufacturing documents.
  3. maintain documented instructions and procedures covering all processes.
  4. maintain documented inspection, testing and quality records.

From our side, Chemical Raw Materials do :-

  1. maintain strict control over product and raw material specifications.
  2. maintain records of all materials received and despatched.
  3. maintain systems to assure the batch traceability of all materials.
  4. deliver materials in the manufacturers original packaging.
  5. provide copies of manufacturers batch Certifcates of Analysis with all orders.

Revised : 8 November 2022 :  Carl Mullender, Managing Director