Privacy Statement
We are firm believers in privacy on the Internet. We believe that the proliferation of spam (bulk unsolicited email) is killing email as a useful communications medium, and we are saddened by this, as we believe that electronic communication of all forms is the most important business tool invented in the last 50 years, especially for small personal businesses such as ourselves.
We will never sell or give any customer contact information to third parties, carefully selected or otherwise. We believe that companies that do so generally select these third parties carefully in order to maximise their own profit from selling your details, rather than in any way to ensure that the resulting deluge of marketing rubbish is relevant to the customer.
Furthermore, we do not retain any information about your use of this web site. We understand that you are here to gain information from us, and not to give us information. We are sure that, should you want to give us information about yourselves, you will fill in our contact form, and let us know about yourself - and if you do, thank you. If you don't, please come back and visit us again soon. Either way, thank you for viewing our web site.
We do store two cookies on your computer to keep track of you while you're on our site: these don't contain any personal information about you, they're just there to allow us to remember your preferences in how some parts of the site are displayed and to help prevent our contact form being abused to send out spam. If you choose not to accept those cookies (they're called CFID and CFTOKEN and most modern browsers will allow you to block or delete them) our web site will still work, though it's possible (if you use an anonymising or round-robin proxy) that you'll not be able to send us messages through our contact form.
So that's it, really. No legal jargon, no weasel words, no attempt to grab your personal information and use it to our advantage. We hope this meets with your approval.