Chemrawmat News
4 articles selected
Registered Office change
As of 28 July 2021, our registered office is moving to
10 Pine View Close, Haslemere, Surrey, GU27 1DU …link
COVID-19 - we are still working
We trust you are all safe and well. CRM is working as normal, our production facilities are running relatively normally, our logistics and warehousing are performing with some minor delays because of cross border checks. …link
John O'Groats to Lands End
Ruth fulfilled her challenge and managed the full distance in 16 days. Raising an amazing total of no less than £ 5400 for Research into Ovarian cancer. An outstanding acheivement, many thanks to all those of you in our industry who supported her effort. …link
John O'Groats to Land's End cycle challenge
Our company secretary Ruth Mullender has taken on the challenge of cycling from John O'Groats to Land's End ( the whole length of UK about 1760 kilometres ) in memory of her friend Sally Caudrey who very sadly died from Ovarian cancer last year. Ruth will be setting off from John O'Groats on 23rd May and hopes to reach Land's End on Sunday 7th June. …read more
4 articles selected